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Joyce’s Poetry, Drama, and Early Writings

Anderson, Chester G. Word Index to James Joyce’s Stephen Hero. Ridgefield, CT: Ridgebury P, 1958.

Armand, Giacomo, and Clare Wallace, edsGiacomo Joyce: Envoys of the Other. Prague: LitterariaPragensia, 2006.

Bauerle, Ruth., et al. A Word List to James Joyce’s Exiles. New York: Garland, 1981.

Brandabur, Edward. A Scrupulous Meanness: A Study of Joyce’s Early Work. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1971.

Brown, Homer O. James Joyce’s Early Fiction: The Biography of a Form. Cleveland, OH: The P of Case Western Reserve U, 1973.

Doyle, Paul A. A Concordance of the Collected Poems of James Joyce. New York: Scarecrow, 1966.

Gibson, Andrew. The Strong Spirit: History, Politics, and Aesthetics in the Writings of James Joyce 1898-1915. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2013.

Gozzi, Francesco. La poesia di James Joyce. Bari, Italy: Adriatica, 1974.

Jackson, SelwynThe Poems of James Joyce and the Use of Poems in His Novels. Frankfurt: Lang, 1978.

MacNicholas, John. James Joyce’s Exiles: A Textual Companion. New York: Garland, 1979.