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Joyce, Ireland, and Empire

Attridge, Derek, and Marjorie Howes, edsSemicolonial Joyce. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.

Backus, Margot Gayle. Scandal Work: James Joyce, the New Journalism, and the Home Rule Newspaper Wars. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 2013.

Booker, M. Keith. Ulysses, Capitalism, and Colonialism: Reading Joyce after the Cold War. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000.

Cheng, Vincent J. Joyce, Race, and Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Duffy, EndaThe Subaltern Ulysses. Minneapolis: U of Minneapolis, 1994.

Fairhall, James. James Joyce and the Question of History. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.


Frawley, Oona, and Katherine O’Callaghan, eds. Memory Ireland, Volume 4: James Joyce and Cultural Memory. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 2014.

Garvin, John. James Joyce’s Disunited Kingdom and the Irish Dimension. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan,1976.

Jones, Ellen Carol, edJoyce: Feminism / Post / Colonialism. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998.

Manganiello, Dominic. Joyce’s Politics. London: Routledge, 1980.

Nolan, EmerJames Joyce and Nationalism. London: Routledge, 1995.

Pearl, Cyril. Dublin in Bloomtime: The City James Joyce Knew. New York; London: Viking, 1969.

Spoo, Robert. James Joyce and the Language of History: Dedalus’s Nightmare. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994.

Valente, Joseph. James Joyce and the Problem of Justice: Negotiating Sexual and Colonial Difference. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Williams, Trevor L. Reading Joyce Politically. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1997.